Contact Information

How To Contact Me

If you have any questions or comments about this website, please email me at:

[email protected]

Note about updates: The information on this site is usually updated every 6-12 months. If your business information has changed and you would like it updated immediately, please email me at the above address.

Note about listings: If your business is not currently included on this site but you would like it to be, please email with brief details of what you offer and preferably the address of your website. There is no fee, but inclusion of your business on this site is at my own discretion.

Data Protection

Your email address, postal address or phone number will not be used to contact you in the future, except in reply to your own message.

I will not pass your email address, postal address or phone number to any third parties.

Alternative Contact Details

Melanie Jones
4 Cloughmore House
Trafalgar Street
United Kingdom

+44 7932 037 866

Please note that this is a UK cell (mobile) phone number. International call charges will apply from the United States and other countries. UK time is 5-8 hours ahead of US time, depending on region.